Why you should aim lower and how it is going to increase your success.

If you are anything like me, you want to achieve. Achieve highly, achieve great things. Leave a solid legacy that your friends and loved ones can point to and be proud of.
If you don’t want to do this maybe this isn’t the article for you…
But if you wake up and want to have something great under your belt every day then sit back and enjoy.
Aiming low…
When we set goals in our life it is rare that most of us set them at an easily achievable level. We often ensure that they are just out of our reach in terms of capability and time frame to complete the goal.
We layout the setting and the resources that we need to meet these standards. Discussing and thinking with ourselves how it is that we are going to jump through these hurdles to get across that future finish line.
Perhaps this is the mistake. Perhaps this is why most of us never achieve EXACTLY what we set out to achieve. Perhaps we are aiming too high…
Aiming low can be said in a lot of ways. It can be interpreted in many forms. But the purpose of the statement remains the same in its purpose.
By aiming low we can achieve the steps towards our final goal, quickly. Leading to short bursts of achievement and plenty of endorphin rushes to go with them.
If you want to make your life easier, for example, start by making the space around you easier. Don’t look for an easier job, a shorter drive to work, or a smaller house to manage; not right off the bat at least.
Aim for the small task completions. Make your bed. Clean your desk. Wash your car, more than once every three months. These small achievements add up over time, giving you a sense of long term achievement. While all along you were simply doing small, low ranking tasks that simply make the path to the next step possible.
Achieving small tasks every day is going to allow you to increase the amount of success you have overtime. It gives a sense of drive and direction while aiming towards something larger.
Small steps lead to bigger ones. Rome was not built in a day after all. If you can aim low first, then small increases in the size of your next step will seem like a slight increase. Not an impossible jump.
So aim low, hit the first rung on your success ladder before trying to climb it. If you don't… you could be climbing forever.